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The Science of IV FUEL detoxification

Key detoxifying nutrients such as glutathione, vitamin C, and B vitamins can be administered intravenously to support the body's natural detox processes.

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What is an IV?

Simply put, it’s a safe and effective method of supplying the body with natural vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly through the bloodstream. These natural nutrient infusions are administered using a small IV (intravenous) injection. “IV” stands for how they are delivered - intravenously. This method ensures that all nutrients are absorbed at the cellular level and it’s the quickest way to optimize how your body functions.

IVs impact your energy level, improve your overall mood, and help prevent future health conditions caused by stress, poor nutrition, and dehydration.

Nutrient IVs are similar to those found at your local hospital. IVs in a non-hospital setting are the same bags of saline used in hospitals, combined by a certified medical professional with a customized mix of essential fluids, electrolytes, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.

Nutrient IVs are a standardized and approved health practice.

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IVs are safe and endorsed by doctors

MYTH: Nutrient IVs are not safe

FACT: Nutrient IVs are just as safe as in-hospital IV's & IVs are used and endorsed by doctors

It's false to think IV nutrient treatment is an experimental or dangerous medicinal practice.

IVs are a safe, standardized, and simple process using the same quality medical supplies and ingredients used in hospitals worldwide. Like in hospitals, there are very few possible adverse reactions that result from receiving an IV.

Sometimes, people experience slight cooling of the arm or a mineral taste in the mouth, and both are completely normal during the IV process.

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IVs are not painful

MYTH: IVs are painful

FACT: IVs are relatively painless for most people

The main challenge people have is fear, not pain. Discomfort levels vary from person to person. The actual needle is in the arm for seconds, and the IV fluids are delivered via a catheter, not a needle.

We tailor the needles used to each person’s veins and often use a smaller needle than what's used in children's hospitals. It can be a little painful if you tend to experience discomfort with needle insertion.

Overall, any minor discomfort is greatly outweighed by the benefits experienced - both short and long-term.

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IVs are more than 2x as effective as oral supplements

MYTH: IVs are less effective than ingesting the various nutrients

FACT: IVs are 100% absorbed by your body. Oral supplements are 10 - 40% absorbed.

The traditional approach to getting nutrients into the body is a combination of food and supplements in pill form. Unfortunately, this isn’t as effective as you might think - even when you eat healthy.

By the time you start consumption, some foods have lost their nutrients, and the body can waste nutrients. Your body’s gastrointestinal tract can sometimes fail to absorb the vitamins and minerals into your bloodstream, turning them into waste. Even when your body’s digestive system is working properly, nutrient-rich foods lose vitamins and minerals when prepared and cooked in multiple ways.

Scientific American reports that cooking vegetables lowers the vitamin levels found in them naturally. For instance, a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that vitamin C levels in tomatoes decline by 29% when cooked for 30 minutes at 190 degrees F.

With IV infusions, nutrients in their purest form are delivered right into the bloodstream - that makes IVs the most effective way to get the full benefits of the nutrients your body needs.

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IVs reduce symptoms & shorten common colds

MYTH: IVs don’t reduce common cold symptoms

FACT: IVs can be an essential preventive measure against the common cold.

While you can’t always prevent a cold, IVs can be a powerful and quick way to combat the symptoms. If you don’t want your cold symptoms to last longer than they have to, IVs can work wonders when you start to feel sick. Over time, IVs infused with vitamin C can strengthen the immune system and reduce the chances of getting sick.

A comprehensive study published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information found that large doses of vitamin C reduced the duration of cold symptoms.

Elivate IV Boost with B vitamin complex, vitamin C, and Lysine is the Elivate IV FUEL to choose when you feel under the weather.

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IVs are a great add to an active, healthy lifestyle

MYTH: IVs aren’t suited to active, healthy lifestyles

FACT: IVs can mend sore muscles, boost the immune system, help with post-workout muscle recovery, dehydration, chronic fatigue, and much more.

IVs are great for everyone trying to keep their body in tune every day, and often the people actively managing their health are also active in all ways.

For those spending extended time outdoors at altitude, IV FUELs offer targeted support for performance and recovery with both instant results and prolonged/extended impact.

IV FUELs replenish fluids, supplement vitamins & minerals, and add nutrients to optimize how your body functions.

Our formulas are crafted for people trying to maintain an active, body-aware lifestyle.

  1. Almost all of our ingredients are delivered to us in single-dose vials without preservatives produced by 503B FDA-regulated pharmacies.

  2. Our formulas have significantly higher, completely safe dosages of critical vitamins, minerals, and proteins.

  3. The formulations are constantly tested and tweaked to deliver the best result. Over and over again.

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IVs can help people with chronic illnesses

MYTH: Nutrient IVs & Vitamin Shots don’t help improve quality of life for people with chronic illnesses

FACT: Studies support the benefits of IV infusions with Vitamin C in cancer patients as a complement to cancer treatments that can help improve the quality of life for people with serious illnesses or even allergies.

Living with a chronic illness is never easy.

Standard treatments for conditions like cancer often have painful and debilitating side effects. The National Cancer Institute reports that breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy who received intravenous (IV) vitamin C had a better quality of life and fewer side effects than those who did not receive it.

In addition, fibromyalgia patients report having reduced symptoms due to IV treatment. Fibromyalgia Researcher David Katz, MD says that about four out of every five people with fibromyalgia receiving an IV treatment of vitamin B, vitamin C, and other nutrients helps ease their symptoms, including pain and fatigue.

While research on the effects of IV nutrient treatment on managing chronic illness must continue, it is very promising for enhancing the quality of life overall.

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IVs have immediate results

MYTH: It takes a while to feel the effects

FACT: IVs & QUICKSHOTS act immediately - once inserted, the vitamin infusion goes directly into the bloodstream.

Depending on your nutritional and hydration levels you will likely feel the physical effects, such as increased energy, right away.

While it can take the body anywhere from 12-48 hours to digest solid foods completely, IV fluids are absorbed instantly. Your body utilizes the vitamins immediately to perform and facilitate many essential functions, including regulating metabolism, creating red blood cells, and maintaining the immune system.

In some cases, you may even see better skin complexion and improved mood for subsequent days.

A QUICKSHOT injection is a quick and effective alternative to IVs to get the full effects of vitamins. For instance, many people, especially athletes, often receive B12 injections since it’s another fast way to feel the full benefits of the vitamins & nutrients. These can include increased energy levels, increased metabolism, and improved overall mood.

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IVs are a small part of a wellness budget

MYTH: IVs are too expensive

FACT: Keeping your body in balance costs money (organic food, supplements, etc.) Embracing preventative measures like IVs helps you avoid paying for treating ailments later.

When people hear about celebrities getting IV nutrient therapies and B12 injections, they think they’re a luxury, something expensive for people who have too much money and are too high maintenance.

Nutrient IVs and vitamin injections are affordable when you think of what you spend overall for healthy food, supplements, and exercise.

Very often, nutraceutical deficiencies that have been left unchecked for long periods are the cause of acute and chronic illnesses. These illnesses have a price, too. Nutrient IVs will get your body rebalanced as quickly and efficiently as possible.

We can help you take advantage of these high-performing infusions with multi-packs and monthly membership discounts.

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IVs are part of ongoing wellness practices

MYTH: It’s only needed once

FACT: No one eats protein once; other nutrients are no different. You should be consistent with your nutrient IVs to empower your lifestyle and ensure your body is as healthy as possible.

Some IV nutrient infusions that are familiar apply to a one-time use, such as after a hangover fix after a night out. This is the exception, not the rule.

Nutrient IVs are a practice focused on maintaining optimal levels of nutrients in the body. To do that effectively, regular administration of IV infusions must occur. The body may not always get the proper amount of nutrients needed to perform essential physical and mental functions.

IV nutrient treatment is a reliable way to ensure that you’re not missing out on essential nutrients your body needs. Consistent nutrient IVs will ensure stable (reliable) results in your overall health.

You could receive IV infusions every day, but we recommend once or twice a week.

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IVs are part of our daily health hacking

Many of the Elivate team are on a journey - we call it health hacking, longevity hacking, or vitality hacking.

Whatever you call it, we think of it as an ongoing, daily quest to learn & experiment with how we can optimize how our body and mind function and how we feel. We believe in the fundamental principle of “hacking”, which is to personally take control of our personal health decisions based on research and data.

When you look up health hacking online, it involves the strategic use of information, technology, and lifestyle adjustments to optimize physical and mental health. It's a personalized approach to wellness that leverages the latest advancements in science and technology to achieve peak performance. In this blog post,

In our blog, we'll consistently explore the key principles of health hacking and our practices and how it’s working to improve our lives.

Health hacking goes beyond traditional approaches to health and wellness. It embraces a holistic perspective that combines insights from various fields such as nutrition, exercise science, psychology, and technology.

Here are some of the principles of health hacking:

Quantified self: Health hacking often begins with self-tracking. Wearable devices, health apps, and other monitoring tools enable individuals to collect valuable data about their daily habits, sleep patterns, heart rate, and more. Analyzing this data provides insights into areas that may need improvement and helps in making informed decisions about lifestyle changes.

Food as medicine: Understanding the role of nutrition in health is a cornerstone of health hacking. It involves personalized approaches to diet, such as genetic testing to identify optimal nutrition strategies and intermittent fasting, Health hackers prioritize nutrient-dense foods to fuel their bodies efficiently.

Nutritional optimization: Targeted supplementation is also a key element of health hacking. We are consistently testing our FUELs and monitoring results for different health needs and issues, and we will share all of this with our community.

Biohacking or recovery techniques: This element of health hacking explores the use of technology and interventions to optimize biological functions. This includes techniques like cryotherapy, infrared saunas, and neurofeedback. Biohackers experiment with these methods to enhance performance, recover faster, and boost cognitive function.

Mind-Body Connection: Mental well-being is a crucial aspect of health hacking. Practices such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, and breathwork are incorporated to manage stress, improve focus, and enhance overall mental resilience. The mind-body connection is recognized as a powerful tool in achieving holistic health.

Sleep Optimization: Quality sleep is non-negotiable for health hackers. They prioritize sleep hygiene, use tracking tools to analyze sleep patterns and experiment with techniques like polyphasic sleep to optimize their rest. Recognizing the importance of sleep in overall health is an important component of health hacking.

Personalized Fitness: Health hacking encourages personalized workout routines based on individual goals, body types, and preferences. High-intensity interval training (HIIT), functional fitness, and incorporating technology like virtual trainers are common strategies in health hacker fitness regimens.

Health hacking is a dynamic and evolving field that empowers individuals to take control of their well-being using a personalized and data-driven approach. By combining the latest advancements in technology with ancient wisdom and lifestyle adjustments, health hackers are redefining the boundaries of what is possible in terms of human health and performance.

Experimentation, self-awareness, and a commitment to continuous learning and improvement are key to unlocking the potential for our best possible quality of life.

Are you ready to join us?

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